Business is hard right? But, there are two types of people. Those who struggle to implement tactics thinking that’s how to grow your business. And those who focus on growing their MINDSET. At Fearless Business we focus on 3 core pillars: 1. First we nail your PRODUCT/OFFER, we teach you how to build a sustainable business doing something you love. 2. We fix your PRICING - this is mostly mindset, learning how to charge 2-3 times your current prices. 3. And finally LEAD FLOW, we show you how to get leads and convert them at your higher price point. For more information visit: https://fearless.biz and https://www.robinwaite.com
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Don‘t Sell, Serve - Maxwell Nee
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
MoreCommittedClients.com is…
A business with real purpose: We help you to grow your purpose-driven Coaching, Consulting or Service business - so that together, we can really make an enormous difference in our world.
We extend that impact by making sure that everything we do gives back in ways that really change lives, thanks to our partnership with B1G1 (www.B1G1.com)
And Maxwell in his words
I'm a Marketing & Business Growth Expert.
I quit my soulless job in Corporate Banking in Oct 2017 and have dedicated myself to serving coaches just like you, who are passionate about making an exponential impact. I've built two successful 6-figure coaching/consulting businesses.
If you don't believe you can do it too... we should have a conversation.
During the Podcast we discussed a couple of great resources as well:
- The Entrepreneurs On Fire Podcast from John Lee Dumas, well worth checking out: https://podcasts.apple.com/ug/podcast/entrepreneurs-on-fire/id564001633
- And also Daniel Priestley's amazing bestselling book, Key Person of Influence: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Key-Person-Influence-Revised-Five-Step/dp/178133109X/
- And finally, More Committed Client's very own Masterclass video which you can find at https://morecommittedclients.com by clicking on the big blue button "Masterclass Video".
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
- Introduction - Black Box Thinking https://www.amazon.co.uk/Black-Box-Thinking-Surprising-Success/dp/1473613779
- What is Cognitive Dissonance? This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviours to reduce the discomfort and restore balance. For example, when people smoke (behaviour) and they know that smoking causes cancer (cognition), they are in a state of cognitive dissonance.
- What is unconscious bias? - use the example of the person just hearing “Insurance” just because they are in insurance and missing the point of a video. https://www.eliinc.com/five-real-world-examples-of… Standing up and speaking whilst assuming everyone knows what you’re talking about.
- Not putting prices up because no-one will buy. You know that putting your prices up will make your life better/easier but you don’t do it because of what “might” happen.
- Selling the wrong product (i.e. giving books away rather than selling them for £5 each)
- When someone doesn’t pay you, you know you’ll be better of moving on and finding a better client yet you still let the negative experience bother you.
- In a way comparing ourselves to others creates cognitive dissonance because what the other person is doing goes against our own core beliefs and makes us feel uncomfortable (imposter syndrome?)
- As a business grows the market shifts and the business needs to change in order to adapt to the new market which create CD.
- Now think about the client/customer relationship.
Quite often...all the time in fact, clients experience CD when they are looking at buying your product or service. They have a certain belief of how you work, the results you deliver, how much it costs, how long it takes etc however by the end of your consultation their core belief needs to change in order to sell the product.
About your host today:
Robin Waite is the Founder of Fearless Business, a 12-Week Accelerator which does the following:
Core Pillar #1 - Product Architecture. About 50% of the Fearless Business Accelerator is about nailing down your offer and building out the full 7-Step Product Architecture Model.
Core Pillar #2 - Pricing. If you nail your pricing you will start to price and sell your way out of scarcity and the Sales Cycle of Doom. Knowing your numbers is the key to success in the FBA.
Core Pillar #3 - Lead Flow: generating leads and creating friction-less sales.
If you want to know more about the programme, me or how I work then please jump onto my website:
>>> https://robinwaite.com/case-study
And as I mentioned I'd love it if you bought a copy of Take Your Shot from Amazon:
>>> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Take-Your-Shot-Business-Attract/dp/0995776806/
Equally I am happy to gift you a copy but you MUST PROMISE ME that you'll leave a review.
You can apply for a FREE review copy of Take Your Shot here: http://bit.ly/TYSPromo
Or just email me for a chat!! I love helping businesses to become more successful, and getting results for my clients is what gets me out of bed each day.
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Monday May 13, 2019
LEAKED - Live Coaching Call - Helen Ponting
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
With Helen’s permission I’m pleased to share with you the (edited) recording from a live consultation.
Helen Ponting is an ex-police officer with a demonstrated history of working in the real estate industry. Skilled in Coaching, Law Enforcement, Public Speaking, Risk Assessment, and Management. Strong professional with a Post Graduate Certificate in Education focused in Learning and Development from University of the West of England.
And a best-selling author of her book, Speak Up – How to Ask for What You Want, Talk About What Matters and Make Yourself Heard. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Speak-Up-Helen-Ponting/dp/1781333483/ You can also find out more about Helen via her LinkedIn profile as well: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-ponting/
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Habits - The Quickest Route to Growth is to Automate Habits - Robin Waite
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
If you're new don't forget to hit the SUBSCRIBE button!
Your brain builds habits because it associates positive rewards when tasks are completed to OUR satisfaction. So I created 7 simple tips to help build automatic habits.
Here's what I cover on this episode:
- Alfred North Whitehead - Civilisation advances by extending the number of operations we can perform without thinking about them Knock down the smallest domino first.
- 1,000 Chances - Are You Feeling Lucky?
- The Paradox of Choice - too much choice creates procrastination (doing 8 things means they only get 12.5% of your attention/time)
- Systems - Zapier, LastPass, CRM, Xero, ToDoIst etc
- Batching Work
- Emails Financial Automation
- Standing Orders are your friend
Robin Waite is the Founder of Fearless Business, a 12-Week Accelerator which does the following:
Core Pillar #1 - Product Architecture. About 50% of the Fearless Business Accelerator is about nailing down your offer and building out the full 7-Step Product Architecture Model.
Core Pillar #2 - Pricing. If you nail your pricing you will start to price and sell your way out of scarcity and the Sales Cycle of Doom. Knowing your numbers is the key to success in the FBA.
Core Pillar #3 - Lead Flow: generating leads and creating friction-less sales.
If you want to know more about the programme, me or how I work then please jump onto my website:
>>> https://robinwaite.com/case-study
And as I mentioned I'd love it if you bought a copy of Take Your Shot from Amazon:
>>> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Take-Your-Shot-Business-Attract/dp/0995776806/
Equally I am happy to gift you a copy but you MUST PROMISE ME that you'll leave a review. You can apply for a review copy of Take Your Shot here: http://bit.ly/TYSPromo
Or just email me for a chat!! I love helping businesses to become more successful, and getting results for my clients is what gets me out of bed each day.
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Friday Apr 26, 2019
The power of Podcasting for Business Owners - Tom Schwab
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Tom Schwab is the Chief Evangelist Officer of Interview Valet. Tom’s first job out of college was running nuclear power plants in the Navy. He’s run a nuclear reactor and a small business. One was easy because it came with an instruction manual.
Tom’s passion is in building and operating the Targeted Interview System to provide you a steady deluge of traffic, leads, and sales. Tom lives online but resides with his family in Kalamazoo, MI (yes, it really exists).
Interview Valet makes it easy for the podcast host and the guest. We take care of everything but the speaking. A white glove concierge level service, you get on the big podcasts and turn listeners into leads with a proven marketing system.
To find out more about Interview Valet and apply for a copy of Tom’s great book, Podcast Guest Profits, jump onto the following website: https://interviewvalet.com/fearless
And for Tom’s book:
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Monday Apr 22, 2019
How to Get Unstuck in Your Business - Robin Waite
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
In this the second edition of Mindset Monday I welcome restaurant consultant, Jonathan Butler, onto The Fearless Business Podcast to talk about how to get unstuck when you are stuck in your business.
Jon works with entrepreneurs and restaurant business owners who have stepped up and realise they want more, deserve more and have much more to give. Is this you?
Jon is also the author of Business Recipes for Success – The 4 Steps to Building a Successful Restaurant or Hospitality Business.
>>> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Business-Recipes-Success-Successful-Hospitality/dp/1999754603/
>>> https://www.outsaucedconsultancy.co.uk/
Mindset Monday is a part of the journey on the Fearless Business Accelerator, so if you want to know more about how the programme can help your business please check out my website:
>>> https://www.robinwaite.com
>>> https://fearless.biz/app
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Police Officer to Entrepreneur - Alexander Seery
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Alexander Seery is an ex Detention Officer for Nottingham Police, serial entrepreneur, property investor and Founder of Shifts to Success; a business accelerator programme aimed at helping ex and serving Police Officers and other public servants to Break Out, Make the Change and Become Successful Entrepreneurs.
Alex has also written a bestselling book, Police Officer to Entrepreneur, which we will be discussing during this episode of the Fearless Business Podcast.
Throughout the episode we discuss:
- Where Alex’s entrepreneurial spirit came from
- How he started up his first business
- What drove him to create a programme for Police Officers
- The challenges he’s faced along the way
- Which books, podcasts and mentors he recommends reaching out to
Here’s how you can contact Alex:
Website:- https://www.shiftstosuccess.com/
Book:- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Police-Officer-Entrepreneur-Six-Step-Successful-ebook/dp/B078B64HXQ
And also the resources Alex mentions in the interview:
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill:- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Grow-Rich-Updated-Century-ebook/dp/B07K32M47Y/
- The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson:- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Slight-Edge-Turning-Disciplines-Happiness-ebook/dp/B07G2D82DM/
- And finally Guy Raz’ Podcast “How I Built This”:- https://guyraz.com/how-i-built-this/
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Friday Apr 12, 2019
The BEST Way to Grow Your Business - Robin Waite
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Having worked with hundreds of business owners, it's become clear to me that there is really only ONE WAY to grow a business, so I'll be sharing that with you in this Podcast episode.
But before I do that, for those who don't know me, my name is Robin Waite, I am the Founder of the Fearless Business Accelerator and I help coaches, consultants and freelancers to stop selling their souls and start to sell to their clients based on results.
If you want to know more then jump onto my website:
>>> https://robinwaite.com
This allows them to get out of the Sales Cycle of Doom (sell -> deliver -> sell -> deliver -> sell -> deliver etc) and instead, charge more for their products and services and create a full and remarkable solution.
By the way, what I've described above is WAY #1 to grow your business...do tons of marketing, sell more of the same product or service and burn yourself out in the process of trying.
WAY #2 is to cut costs...nuff said.
But... WAY #3 involves raising your prices so you are selling based on results and not based on the number of hours you work. Get that nailed and you can afford to have fewer clients, and still make more money than you were previously.
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset in Business - Robin Waite
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset in Business
Basically, business owners operate from one of two mindsets:
- Fixed Mindset - It's not my fault, I can't do any more, I don't get numbers
- Growth Mindset - How can I get better at this? Could I have done more to improve the situation? What can I learn for the next time I do this thing?
Which one of the two do you feel you show more of whilst running your business? Which one would you rather be?
A bit about your host, Robin Waite
Robin Waite is the Founder of the 12-Week Fearless Business Accelerator which helps Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers to grow their businesses and fear the things that scare them in business ever so slightly less.
We cover 3 core areas of business:
Core Pillar #1 - Product Architecture. About 50% of the Fearless Business Accelerator is about nailing down your offer and building out the full 7-Step Product Architecture Model.
Core Pillar #2 - Pricing. If you nail your pricing you will start to price and sell your way out of scarcity and the Sales Cycle of Doom. Knowing your numbers is the key to success in the FBA.
Core Pillar #3 - Lead Flow: generating leads and creating friction-less sales.
If you want to know more about the programme, me or how I work then please jump onto my website:
>>> https://robinwaite.com/case-study
And as I mentioned I'd love it if you bought a copy of Take Your Shot from Amazon:
>>> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Take-Your-Shot-Business-Attract/dp/0995776806/
Equally I am happy to gift you a copy but you MUST PROMISE ME that you'll leave a review.
You can apply for a review copy of Take Your Shot here: http://bit.ly/TYSPromo
Or just email me for a chat!! I love helping businesses to become more successful, and getting results for my clients is what gets me out of bed each day.
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Funnel Hacking, Marketing Funnels and Polymaths - Ed Rich
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
In today's Fearless Business Podcast episode we interview Ed Rich MBA, self-proclaimed polymath, marketing expert and funnel hacker.
Ed helps coaches who are authors, generate highly qualified leads predictably with distribution of their books and automated webinar events. He does this by building unique customer journeys that are optimised to generate higher customer lifetime value for you.
Most coaches author their book thinking that it will generate leads for them. But once they publish it, the books end up waiting for the light of the day in their garage.
Your book is just a vehicle to carry your message from your garage to the hands of your ideal coaching client. A vehicle needs an infrastructure to go from this point to the reader’s hands. I build this infrastructure, let’s call it a customer journey or marketing funnel, that get this book in the hand of people who are most likely to be your best clients ever.
If you are a coach would like to get OVERBOOKED with coaching appointments, Ed invites you to have a "Simplify My Marketing Strategy Session" where we'll go through a diagnosis of your core three pillars and build strategy for the same:
- Absolute clarity about your marketing
- Finding and keeping your tribe
- Creating customer journeys that convert
Visit Ed's Website: https://www.booksmind.com/
A Bit about Fearless Business:
Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook:
>> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore
And check out the Fearless Business website:
>> https://fearless.biz
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Welcome to Fearless Business Podcast
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
In this episode I introduce myself and tell you what lies at the heart of the Fearless Business brand and community. From the age of 18, Robin spent four years as a systems analyst for a medical devices company, helping them increase their turnover by 50 per cent, from £1 million to £1.5 million.
From 2004 to 2016 Robin ran a successful design and advertising agency serving over 250 clients.
Now Robin is the Founder of the 12-Week Fearless Business Accelerator which helps Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers to grow their businesses and fear the things that scare them in business ever so slightly less.
We cover 3 core areas of business:
Core Pillar #1 - Product Architecture.
About 50% of the Fearless Business Accelerator is about nailing down your offer and building out the full 7-Step Product Architecture Model.
Core Pillar #2 - Pricing.
If you nail your pricing you will start to price and sell your way out of scarcity and the Sales Cycle of Doom. Knowing your numbers is the key to success in the FBA.
Core Pillar #3 - Lead Flow:
Generating leads and creating friction-less sales.
If you want to know more about the programme, me or how I work then please jump onto my website:
>>> https://robinwaite.com/case-study
And as I mentioned I'd love it if you bought a copy of Take Your Shot from Amazon:
>>> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Take-Your-Shot-Business-Attract/dp/0995776806/
Equally I am happy to gift you a copy but you MUST PROMISE ME that you'll leave a review.
You can apply for a review copy of Take Your Shot here:
>>> http://bit.ly/TYSPromo
Or just email me for a chat!!
I love helping businesses to become more successful, and getting results for my clients is what gets me out of bed each day.